Glamping in Laguna

Have you heard GLAMPING? It is the shortcut to Glamorous Camping. First introduced in Africa, where tents are being set up in the middle of safari to accommodate the tourists who wish to spend more time with the nature(and animals). Most amenities of a standard or luxury can be found inside like airconditioning unit, clean bathroom, and comfortable bed. Others even have personal buttler.

Well, you can also experience the same as there is a newly opened "Glamping" site just less than 2 hours away from Manila. - The Blue Hotel. 

(grabbed from their fb page)

Our tent

They have 5 tents available

View at night. You can also do your barbecue party right outside your tent

The pool and the "Santorini" like rooms.

Hearty breakfast

All around

plus point for guests with kids are their airconditioned playroom.

Blue Hotel and Resort

note: They dont have website yet. Some search results are also misleading because there are properties with almost the same name. Click their official FB page to contact them.


  1. thank you for the compliment and encouraging some guest to visit our place.
    we hope we see you again and were happy yo serve you.

  2. Hello thank you for introducing us Orsakadabra. By the way this is our main facebook page as of now.

  3. Here is the new one.

  4. Not that "blue hotel and resort" anymore.


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